1) STORI-2-TEL | "Story Concept" created by our creative director and 100% hand-crafted by our craftsman using high quality color clays. ( Code refs nos. ) |
2) LOOK-A-LIKE/PETS | "Full Body" 100% hand-crafted from head-to-toe by our craftsman using high quality color clays. ( Code: XXX-LAL ) |
3) PLASTERCRAFT | White plaster figurines that can be crafted and mass produced according to your requirements. (minimum order 2,000 pcs) |
4) M I X - COMPOUND | Mix material 3D sculptures that is finished with a shining look and mass produced to your needs! (minimum order 2,000 pcs) |
5) CUTIE 3D - DOLLS | Based on your drawings/design - 100% hand-crafted by our clay craftsman using high quality color clays. |